Artist, Illustrator, Designer, Painter

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The Wool of Jonesy: Part 2 begins

It all begins with an idea. A concept. What do I want to say?

Part 1 of The Wool of Jonesy is out. I’ve outlined briefly on my sketchbook how the rest of the five parts should go. So, this is a very vague outline. I jotted down the whos that will be part of the story. Grandma, mom, siblings, trading post employees, and so on, will be introduced in the next five different parts/comics.

Parts 2-5 Outline

Part 1 left off with Jonesy waking up after a dream spurred by his recent accomplishment of graduating high school. He has to find a job. Unsure about his future, he sees his wool as a way to raise some money to help contribute to the family. Although his wool is turned down, he gets an idea to move forward with his wool.

He enjoys art and at the moment he’s only been told “it’s a nice hobby” from past experiences.

The Process

Jonesy 1 Process

I plan on continuing the same process with the first comic. I created mini comic book art boards, which I printed on 8.5″ x 11″ laser paper. Each letter-sized paper is folded in half that becomes a spread. They begin as either as blue lead, or pencil, sketches. Then I scan each spread and turn them into blueline art in Photoshop. I print them back out and draw my final art with a black ball point pen. This will get scanned once more in high resolution (400 dpi+) and colored digitally. High resolution is needed, especially the art is going to be scaled up to standard comic book size (10.125″ x 6.625″).

I realized I wanted to work his way after seeing Skottie Young’s process. His work is very expressive and this adds to the stories he illustrates. Unlike the my other favorite comic book penciller, Jim Lee, Skottie doesn’t conform to the clean, finished, more realistic art found in traditional comic books. I enjoy Skottie’s fun environments and passionate characters.


Jonathan Nelson